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Geo Local Road Map

MediaWeek Scratches Hyperlocal Surface

MediaWeek did an underwhelming job explaining why hyperlocal is hot right now, and the percieved value and pitfalls of hyperlocal. It suggests there may be opportunity for media if the hyperlocal ad/sales code can be cracked.The article rightly states that the current big winners in the space are Yodel, ReachLocal and Local.com.

“These companies, which have exhibited the largest ad growth in the space, do the dirty digital work that many small businesses aren’t equipped to do like creating banners and videos, and navigating search marketing,” the article said.

It fails to mention local media success stories, such as Fischer Broadcasting’s work in Seattle, and McClatchy Newspapers’ efforts which were recently featured at the Borrell Conference. While those companies have NOT seen an explosion of ad revenue from hyperlocal they have had success with hyperlocal business models.

Lastly, there are some interesting quotes from players in the space, such as the CEO of Topix.net. I would love to hear or read the full interviews. They would most certainly prove more insightful than the article itself.

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